sábado, 21 de julio de 2012


Universidad Alfonso Reyes
División Preparatoria


Alumno: Luis Alberto Rendón Maldonado

Matricula: L-10691
Grupo: 3 D.

Maestro: José López Navarrete

Materia: INGLES

Guadalupe, NL, 10 de juLio del 2012

My favorite Specie

My favorite is the lion species is very fierce because we all know this is an animal species of carnivore family Felidae, coat of yellow and red. Has a big head, teeth and nails strong and long tail ending in a fringe of bristles. The male is distinguished by long hair. Reach the 250 kg.

I like watching videos of lions attacking or tamed, or fight with other animals, such as when they are hungry hunt everything that they cross over, sometimes I watch videos and go stick it out with tigers is a very strong fight because tigers are also very skillful and fast, plus they are also very strong.

The lion is the second largest living cat after the tiger. With powerful limbs, a strong jaw and three-inch canine teeth, the lion can kill large prey.

Most of the food consists of large mammals, zebras, buffalo, antelope, etc.. Although also traps small mammals, birds and reptiles when the opportunity presents itself.

Lions get their energy by the time of hunting, are most active at night during these times is that most of the hunts occur.

Animal Descriptions


The tiger is the largest of all cats. Sadly, this magnificent animal has been hunted by humans and has lost much of its habitat. Three of the eight subspecies have already become extinct, and other populations are also at high risk.

Physical Description
Tigers are the largest within the family cat, the Siberian tiger being the largest of the species. They are easily recognizable, with its vertical stripes, black and thick covering an orange body. The belly and throat are a creamy white. The male tigers have a ruff around the neck, which is pronounced especially in the Sumatran male. Two tigers do not have the same stripe pattern - each is unique, like fingerprints in humans. The patterns of tiger stripes commonly differ between the two sides of the body of the individual. The last white tiger, wild was recorded in 1951. This male cub later became the progenitor of most white tigers in captivity. The white tiger stripes are brown.

Tigers. Prefer the habitat is the forest but can also be found on the margins of the meadows and marshes. They require sufficient spaces avail, a good population of large dams and a constant water supply.

Tigers are solitary (except for mothers with cubs) although sometimes they can meet to share a kill. Unlike most other cats, tigers are fond of water and are good swimmers. Tigers hunt by stalking and ambush their prey. They use the dense bush to hide and jump up on their prey. When the tiger is close enough is quick to pounce on its prey and kills him by grabbing his throat or neck. Females occupy territory ranges from 25-1600 square miles. Males occupy larger ranges may overlap with those of several females. More than other big cats, tigers have a reputation for eating humans. Indeed, it is rare for a tiger attack people. This is normally old or injured tigers that are to blame, since they are less able to grab its prey in the usual way.

Females give birth to 2-4 cubs after a gestation of 104 days. They remain with their mother until two years before leaving for dehambular outside their own territories. Males look for territories away from their place of birth, but females may sometimes share with other mother’s territories as with lions. The male tigers may kill cubs if the cubs are female product of the offspring of another male. This ensures that the female come into season and will support the new male offspring. They are very active at dawn and at dusk.

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