martes, 24 de julio de 2012


Universidad Alfonso Reyes
División Preparatoria

ENSAYO Leyenda’’

Alumno: Luis Alberto Rendón Maldonado

Matricula: L-10691
Grupo: 3 D.

Maestro: José López Navarrete

Materia: INGLES

Guadalupe, NL, 24 julio 2012.


This legend is about a doll that appears in the room of a little girl here is Alexandra and she thought her neighbor was but it was very wrong that the doll was a girl who died 10 years ago and buried her wrist along with the girl, that's why Alejandra asked that the doll was so dirty and broken.

The legend is very short but interesting to me and I heard on the radio some legends and myths of this type and although they are short you take fear.

The clown

His is a part of life Alejandra A., she now lives in the subdivision of the valley where something happened that changed his life forever.

The date November 1, 1999 Alexandra is in her room about to sleep, it is 12:00 pm.

Alejandra: go! Until finally go to sleep, but what is that? Since the arrival of new neighbors her little daughter will not let me sleep.

- Many were the nights in which Alexandra woke in the same way with the laughter of the girl and the music was singing a soft melody. One day when she arrived at night decided to go to sleep when his bed was a small clown sitting with folded arms and looks dirty and full of neglected land and perhaps tainted by use and time.

Alejandra has gee, what makes this doll here?, Has already safe is the wrist of the neighbors, it is more likely that they came to visit and are forgotten, but it's late I better tomorrow with neighbors see it.

Alexandra: But as he makes this girl to work, I say it's all dirty decomposed to think him out of the trash but hey I am back with your girlfriend clown.

- Alejandra was already in a deep sleep when she was awakened by noises

Alejandra is passing

Girl: I want my doll!, I want my doll, where my clown give it to me

Alejandra: no poor child had known that was going to get well for his clown took him earlier. Now if among the cries of the child and the tune of this doll I will not sleep better took him at once, so that is sure to awake with the crying of her daughter and that serves well as rest.

- Despite being of such a morning, Alejandra decided to go to the home of your neighbors to deliver that clown who would not let her sleep next door.
Came an elderly man, who missed advanced towards the street to meet Alexandra.

Alejandra: Good evening, I am your neighbor here and I think that I have something that belongs to them.

Lord: who? Me?

Alejandra: Do not think so, is this clown think the girl who lives here I leave in my room.

- The neighbor was surprised to see that clown and was left paralyzed from the impression. Alejandra noting the man's face lost its color, is worried enough feeling that this clown was more than just a toy.

Alejandra: What is it? What's wrong?

Sir, there is that this doll mi'ja indeed if you belong to a single girl who belongs to my granddaughter. She and her parents were killed in an accident and when we buried my granddaughter and the appreciation that she had decided to bury this clown with the last ten years.

- S From Alejandra tonight and you may no longer be able to reconcile  the owner and at night hear the cries of the child and music derived from that clown.

Today we recommend extreme caution when you hear strange noises in your room.

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